1. Do you know if ISBD it? Why ISBD must be studied in Universities?Social Sciences and Cultural Basis is the science that seeks to create a humane human being or uphold universal human values. Learning goals expected of students to be able to understand and be able to realize the importance of subjects of Social and Cultural Association as an integral part of higher education curricula.There are 4 reasons ISBD taught in Higher Education:1. Historical foundation2. Philosophical grounding3. Formal juridical basis4. Pedagogical foundationHISTORICAL BASIS• Our ancestors were religious people as evidenced by historical heritage• Have a high civilization and cultural heritage• Nation Indonesia is known as a friendly nation, peace-loving, tolerant, bergotongPHILOSOPHICAL BASIS• Indonesia has the philosophy of the Nation• Living Pancasila• belief in one God• a just and civilized humanity• Unity Indonesia• Democracy guided by the wisdom of the wisdom of deliberation / representation• social justice for all people of IndonesiaJuridical basis FORMAL1. 45 Constitution Article 30, 312. Law no. 20 of 2003 on National Education System3. Kep. No minister. 232/U/2000 and no. 045/U/2002) of the core curriculum4. Kep. Director General of Higher Education. No. of signs-signs 30/DIKTI/Kep/2003 MPK doubt in PT5. Circular of the Director General of Higher Education: no 1058? D / T / 2003 on the Directorate General of Higher Education No. PelakKep. 306. Kep. Director General of Higher Education: No Appointment 29/DIKTI/Kep/2004 about Team coach Kel MPK and MBBBASIS pedagogicalThe purpose of education to realize full human Indonesia• Achieve complete Indonesian man required a process of planned, ongoing and continuous, (called the educational process)• Life as a nation, state, and the societal need for the inheritance of knowledge, religious values, social and cultural• In a global society need to maintain identity as a nation of religious who, sovereign and dignified,
2. Identify and explain the purpose of the course ISBD!1. Develop awareness of students master the knowledge of diversity and human equality as individuals and social beings in public life.2. Cultivate an attitude of critical, sensitive and wise in understanding diversity and equality of human beings with a foundation of aesthetic values, ethics and morals in the life3. Provide a foundation of knowledge and insight and confidence to students as a preparation for living in a society, as individuals and social beings in a civilized practice academic knowledge and expertise.4. A civilized social beings in practice academic knowledge and expertise
3. Explain the benefits gained by studying ISBD! Describe briefly and clearly and give examples!Provide basic knowledge and common understanding of the concepts developed to assess the social phenomena that cultural responsiveness, perception, and reasoning of students in the face of socio-cultural environment can be improved so that the sensitivity of students in the environment becomes greater.
4. Did you know that the major cause of deterioration of the Indonesian people because of the declining values of humanity to become the nation's low morale? Describe briefly and clearly and give examples!Culture will fall if people can not adjust the creativity, taste, and intention has, man has violated the essence of humanity that it becomes a savage man.Example:Condition of Indonesian society today:1. Selfish2. Individualist3. Materialistic4. Secular (worldly)5. Hedonistic (always looking for fun)6. Moral crisis7. Religion as a symbol of
Indonesia is now the state of education1. Less clear educational direction2. Education as the expensive stuff3. Misappropriation of funds is quite high education '4. Lack of respect for Teacher / Lecturer5. The quality and quantity of Teachers / Lecturers less6. Education is uneven7. Education personality mmendapat less serious attention8. Printing handyman
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